Support for producers to access the most appropriate soil and plant health measuring tools

Certified Organic Biodynamic Western Australia Inc

  • Project code: PRO-017522

  • Project stage: Current

  • Project start date: Monday, May 1, 2023

  • Project completion date: Monday, March 17, 2025

  • National Priority: AFI - AgriFood Innovation


This project aims to progress the value of the original PTUP project by delivering a range of workshops that showcase a broader range of soil health tools. The workshops will include the on-farm use of the soil BIOMETER purchased with the first round of this grant but will also include other technologies. Each workshop will have a ‘bespoke’ agenda to meet the needs of members production types.

Certified Organic Biodynamic Western Australia (COBWA) aims to advance agricultural sustainability with inclusion of nature-based solutions. The cornerstone of achieving these goals is through advocating practice awareness that maintains or improves soil, plant and animal health. Sustainability and climate resilience can occur by protecting and building soil carbon and biodiversity levels. This project gives COBWA the opportunity to build on the knowledge held within its membership, promote a more rigorous methodology around measurement and evidence-based decision making and expand the knowledge to a broader audience interested in adoption nature-based monitoring technologies and or products.


AgriFood Innovation

Research Organisation

Certified Organic Biodynamic Western Australia Inc

Objective Summary

The overarching objective of this project is to give members and participants the skills and knowledge to be able to choose and use the most appropriate soil and plant health measuring tools for their situation.

The project aims to do this by:

Showcase a range of soil health and plant measurement tools and how to use them through website and workshops
Show participants how data gathered from various tools can be read together to make a more complete picture of the soil health on their property
Make available bespoke kits that include a range of soil and plant health measuring tools that they can take home and use on their own properties, with instructions
Provide support to participants through access to specialist consultants and leading ‘farmer to farmer’ engagement.