Supporting Emerging Industries in Developing a Tailored Governance Body

RM Consulting Group Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRO-017455

  • Project stage: Current

  • Project start date: Sunday, June 4, 2023

  • Project completion date: Monday, November 18, 2024

  • National Priority: EI2 - New and Emerging Industries - M2


AgriFutures is investing in the success of emerging industries in Australia by growing their capacity for collaboration within industries. There is substantial evidence that industries benefit from having an industry representative body. Several emerging industry RD&E plans identified the lack of such an industry body as a risk. The success of a formal industry body rests on inaugural leaders having strong skills in negotiating, motivating others, organising and adapting to meet evolving issues. Another key to success is access to appropriate legal and financial advice, particularly as the formal governance structure is agreed and established.

This project will engage a range of emerging industry stakeholders (growers, agronomists, processors) to develop their capacity and desire for collaboration, and support those industries wanting to establish an industry representative body.

During Phase 1, stakeholders from emerging industries will be identified, engaged and invited to participate in an online, industry specific workshop to review and consider formal governance options, with particular focus on the four types described in ‘Governance Structures for New and Emerging Industries’ report. Participants will discuss and specify support they would need to form an industry representative body.

During Phase 2, the emerging industry groups identified requiring assistance in Phase 1 will be supported to develop and implement a fit-for-purpose governance structure that provides a collective voice for individual businesses within their industry. 


New and Emerging Industries 2

Research Organisation

RM Consulting Group Pty Ltd

Objective Summary

The main goal of this project is to identify emerging industry groups that want a whole-of-industry governance body, and provide needed support for those groups to progress towards formal governance structures.

The objective for Phase 1 of this project is to engage with and identify which emerging industry groups want to form a representative body and what support they need in order to make progress on forming this body.

The objective for Phase 2 of this project is to provide needed support identified in Phase 1 for each emerging industry groups to develop and implement their chosen formal representative structure.