The Diesel Transition – Part 2 Petroleum Diesel Alternatives for the Australian Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Sector

Inclusive Growth Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRO-017175

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, March 10, 2023

  • Project completion date: Wednesday, June 28, 2023

  • National Priority: NCO - National Challenges and Opportunities - SM


This project will progress planning pathways for the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sector to transition from its reliance on petroleum diesel, while positioning the sector for innovative models of production to reach its vision of reducing emissions while improving productivity.

Acclimate Partners and AFI will advance our research on the diesel transition to map the timelines and conditions for uptake of alternative technologies in the sector, considering competing demands, including from mining, transport and logistics. As radical technology changes occur around the sector, a diesel transition can enable a rethink on the way agriculture operates to meet growing global food demands and emission reduction targets.

In the context of a more complex net zero target for the sector, we will propose practical targets for the diesel transition to guide implementation for different production types and locations, informed by global, national, state and industry commitments and the implications for agriculture, fisheries and forestry.

We have made an investment to identify an initial set of potential nucleus zones to pilot these technologies and understand incentives and barriers for adoption. These will be confirmed through the project. Criteria for site selection will include commodity, level of diesel dependence, trade exposure to sustainability requirements, and co-location with related energy transition, agriculture and skills precincts or complementary innovations. We will also propose implementation and governance models for the hubs.

The project will elaborate the skills required for the transition, including initiatives to build a pipeline of relevant talent.


National Rural Issues

Research Organisation

Inclusive Growth Pty Ltd