Travel to Temperate Rice Research Consortium
Rice Research Australia Pty Ltd
Project code: PRJ-007436
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Monday, September 5, 2011
Project completion date: Thursday, March 1, 2012
National Priority: RIC-Strengthened industry capacity
The Australian Rice Industry stands to benefit from the collaboration and linkage formed as being part of these research projects. Australias involvement in the Cold tolerance and Blast research projects will allow us to be at the forefront of world leading research on these 2 important topics.
The meeting of the Temperate Rice Research Consortium (TRCC) reports on the outcome of the last 12 months research on the four projects;
WG 1: Yield potential and grain quality
WG 2: Biotic stress (blast resistance)
WG 3: Abiotic stress (cold tolerance)
WG 4: Resource-use efficiency
The four projects are all related to current RIRDC Projects. The WG1 project relates to the new Collaborative Rice Breeding/Quality project, the WG2 project to Crop Protection and Biosecurity, the WG3 project relates to Rice cold tolerance for yield stability and water-use efficiency 2; and WG4 relates to Approaches to Manage Spatial Variability of Rice Growth and Yield.
Research Organisation
Rice Research Australia Pty Ltd