Understanding and reducing weather induced fungal staining of oaten hay windrows.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (WA)

  • Project code: PRO-016604

  • Project stage: Current

  • Project start date: Thursday, May 23, 2024

  • Project completion date: Wednesday, November 11, 2026

  • National Priority: FCR-Production of high-quality export-grade fodder


Export oaten fodder is a 1.3 Mt sector, valued at $506M p.a., regularly delivering a stronger financial return for producers than many other crop rotation alternatives. Oats grown for grazing, grain, domestic fodder and export fodder production have covered 0.8 to 1M ha per annum over the last five years. Western Australia is the largest oat growing region and provides 40% oaten hay exports followed by South Australia and Victoria.

The Export Fodder industry wants to invest in RD&E that increases the productivity and quality of export fodder and builds the capacity of the export fodder industry to retain and grow Australian markets. 

The current proposal offers to improve fodder quality and production and to retain Australia’s market access. by providing growers and exporters with updated information on suppressing weather induced saprophyte growth causing hay discolouration post-cutting. This will include identifying the causative agents, the environmental drivers for expression, testing fungicide and fungicide alternatives for management and determining if there are varietal differences in expression. It will also investigate the MRL risks associated with late season application of fungicides.

The proposal is led by Dr. Kylie Chambers and includes collaboration with Intergrain and Gilmac and builds on pathology research from the previous National Hay Agronomy project. This team bring technical rigour, regional capacity and common methods that can underpin a national approach and provide the Australian Export Fodder Program with certainty from their investment.


Export Fodder

Research Organisation

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (WA)