Understanding next steps for sustainable gastrointestinal worm control in thoroughbred horses

Hot Tin Roof Communications Pty Ltd as Trustee for Hot Tin Roof Family Trust

  • Project code: PRO-016734

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Monday, January 30, 2023

  • Project completion date: Sunday, June 18, 2023

  • National Priority: HOR-Workforce, industry and community engagement


Gastrointestinal worms and anthelmintic resistance have been highlighted as priorities in the Thoroughbred Horses Program RDE Plan (2022-2027). Current research (PRJ-011191 – Improving the detection of parasitic infections and control strategies of horses) seeks to understand how the industry controls gastrointestinal parasites, determine the level of understanding of the industry on gastrointestinal parasites in horses, and assess the prevalence of parasite resistance to commonly used anthelmintics.

This project is seeking to understand what the Program should invest in next around gastrointestinal worms and anthelmintic resistance in horses as part of the AgriFutures Thoroughbred Horses Program.


Thoroughbred Horses

Research Organisation

Hot Tin Roof Communications Pty Ltd as Trustee for Hot Tin Roof Family Trust