Update and reprint of the book: Beekeeping
Department of Environment Land Water and Planning
Project code: PRJ-007664
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Project completion date: Friday, December 19, 2014
National Priority: HBE-Enhance industry capability
This project will produce an up-to-date book about honey bees and best management beekeeping practices for succesful beekeeping in Australia.
The project will extensively revise and build on the text of the 1991 edition of the book ‘Beekeeping’ and its predecessors which were published under the title ‘Beekeeping in Victoria’.
A review of literature will be undertaken during the drafting of text to ensure the most current information is included.
Honey Bee
Research Organisation
Department of Environment Land Water and Planning
Objective Summary
To a produce a publication that will provide relevant, comprehensive and current information for beginner, hobbyist and sideline apiarists.
To assist hobby and sideline apiarists acquire a sound understanding of beekeeping including honey bee biosecurity principles and practice, and by this means provide potential for apiarists to develop into commercial participants of the honey bee and pollination industries.