Update to the chicken meat industry planning and environment guideline
Integrity Ag Pty Ltd
Project code: PRO-019266
Project stage: Current
Project start date: Tuesday, April 29, 2025
Project completion date: Sunday, January 4, 2026
National Priority: CME-Priority 1-Improving environmental sustainability outcomes
The project will ensure that the Planning and environment guideline for establishing meat chicken farms remains up-to-date with changing regulations and is fit for purpose for proponents and assessors of meat chicken farms. The outcome of this will be that applicants and assessors are clear on current regulatory requirements, potentially reducing the likelihood of long delays in approvals or even unsuccessful applications on the grounds of incompleteness.
An update to the Guideline is required now to include guidance on issues such as greenhouse gas assessment and mitigation plans for applicants and assessors of meat chicken farm developments that is currently being introduced via state legislation. This will enable the chicken meat industry to maintain a streamlined development application process that clearly outlines application requirements and how to meet them.
Chicken Meat
Research Organisation
Integrity Ag Pty Ltd
Objective Summary
Buy-in and broad agreement obtained from industry, regulators and other stakeholders.
A major outcome will be the continued demonstrated industry leadership regarding environmental and amenity issues relevant to new and expanding meat-chicken farms. In conjunction with this will be lower compliance burdens (and lower costs and faster development approval process, and reduced incidence and cost associated with court cases) and better planning and environmental outcomes for industry and the community when developing new and expanded farms.
By updating the first edition of the planning and environment guidelines, this project will achieve the following outcomes for the industry:
1. Managed by the industry, having been developed in consultation and general agreement between industry and regulators.
2. Harmonisation of rules and regulations between the states as much as possible.
3. Based on the best science available, with a clear process for keeping the guidance current and relevant in the future.