VIC component of Australian Biomass for Bioenergy Assessment

Sustainability Victoria

  • Project code: PRJ-010373

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, April 8, 2016

  • Project completion date: Tuesday, December 15, 2020

  • National Priority: ABBA - Biomass for Bioenergy


The purpose of the Australian Biomass for Bioenergy Assessment (ABBA) project is to catalyse investment in the renewable energy sector through the provision of detailed information about biomass resources across Australia. This project will deliver a national database of biomass resources for the potential production of bioenergy across Australia. Project outputs will include detailed analysis of the types, volumes and locations of potential bioenergy feed-stocks in each state and land use capability for future biomass production. This information will be collated and presented spatially through the Australian Renewable Energy Mapping Infrastructure (AREMI) interface.
In order to achieve this, the project will collect New South Wales data on the location, volumes and availability of biomass, for inclusion on the AREMI platform. This geospatial data will then be available to renewable energy project developers, policy makers, and others, providing a multi-faceted dataset that will complement existing related information, such as energy infrastructure, power utilities, population data, and land use data.
Data collected and uploaded will include:
– The types, locations and volumes of existing biomass resources and and bioenergy industries
– Identification of other relevant spatially based information in communication with commercial participants in the renewable energy sector
– Land capability for future biomass.


Biomass for Bioenergy

Research Organisation

Sustainability Victoria

Objective Summary

The information collated in the project will be able to be used by potential bioenergy project investors, other biomass purchasers, current and future energy users and electricity providers, and policy makers. It will help to guide the early decision making process on biomass resources and availability by location and volume, along with transport logistics and current energy requirements on a spatial basis.

As well as providing biomass industry relevant data and information for the AREMI platform, the project will assist in creating ‘market pull’ for bioenergy through tying bioenergy availability to biomass demand. Both through use of the multiple layers of the AREMI platform, and though state based industry development processes, potential bioenergy users will be linked to bioenergy producers, and regions of high industry potential for future development activities. Both state and federally based regional development and planning organisations and authorities are likely to utilise the information in future industrial, residential and land use planning.

The project will include investigation of a sustainable funding model, agreement or procedures to ensure continuity of up to date information (Continuity Plan). Through the development of a useful and interactive platform, continuity will be further enhanced. While the project is aimed at growing the Australian domestic renewable energy market, participation may have state and regional level export trade benefits.
Some of the key deliverables in the project are;

To create multiple layers of biomass resource data in the AREMI platform

To display data spatially, in as much detail as possible. These levels of detail could include regional, Local Government Areas, point source, and farm level.

The communication of products to direct end users of the AREMI platform, presentations at appropriate conferences and forums. Workshops to educate biomass producers about opportunities available.