Requesting access to K2
These step-by-step instructions will help you create a K2 account.
K2 is the AgriFutures Australia project management system which provides access to applications, research proposal assessments, project details and research management processes.
If you wish to create a K2 account, please use the link below.
For step-by-step instructions on how to create an account, please see the User Guide – Requesting access to K2.
At login you can select the forgotten password link. Please ensure you enter your login email address into the User Name field and then select Forgot your Password? This will open a new screen for you to submit your email address to receive a link to reset your password.
You can do this by logging into K2, navigating to the settings tab and then selecting Update My Details.
The following resources are for researchers and consultants to assist with navigating the K2 platform at various stages of your project.
When using K2 please refer to these resources in the first instance, and if you require further assistance contact .
If you are looking for templates (i.e., for progress reports or milestones) they can be found on our Research report templates page.
Once you have access to K2, this guide will assist you to create new research applications, view reports and change settings.
This guide will outline the process once a research application has been submitted from within your organisation.
As Admin Contact you must review and approve a research application before it is sent to AgriFutures Australia for assessment.
Use this detailed guide to step you through the process for submitting a Request for Quotation.
As Admin Contact you must review and approve a Request for Quotation before it is sent to AgriFutures Australia for assessment.
If you are unfamiliar with using DocuSign, please read through these instructions for how to sign your contract with AgriFutures Australia.
This guide outlines the process for submitting the different types of milestones you may have as part of your project.