Creating the brains, eyes and hands for smart robots


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Australian robotics company LYRO Robotics has designed a world-leading pattern-packing robot for general fresh produce.

The LYRO Machine Intelligence can pick and pack any fruit and vegetable, at any time, and pack them into any pattern or box.

Co-founder Dr Juxi Leitner estimates the machine has packed more than 100,000 items, from avocados to chillies, from passionfruit to punnets of tomatoes.

During the month of February 2021, AgriFutures on Air showcased amazing innovators making a difference in Australian agriculture.

And the one thing they all have in common is their involvement in evokeAG., either in Startup Alley or the Startup Showcase.

Check out the new evokeAG. website and our two-part Startup Program in 2021 which is taking place completely online.

Here is the story of Lyro, the brains, eyes and hands of a robot.

  1. Creating the brains, eyes and hands for smart robots