That’s because he used a smart sensing app that enabled him to open and close irrigation bays remotely. As part of a Smarter Irrigation for Profit Phase 2 (SIP2) trial, led by Associate Professor John Hornbuckle from Deakin University, Darrell found using smart sensing automation technology not only made irrigating easier, but it also reduced water usage while trimming labour and production costs.
There was also a “better than expected” yield result.
So it’s no surprise that Darrell signed up to participate in the trial’s second year.
“With automation we were able to conduct our daily business, such as harvesting and spraying-out other crops without having to stop half-way through the day to change the water,” said Darrell.
“Smart sensors in the field takes the guesswork out of whether I should or shouldn’t water and it’s another tool that can help us manage water orders, staffing levels or even the timing around having to spray a paddock before we irrigate. We can do that a lot better thanks to the smart sensing.”
Darrell is the De Bortoli Farm Operations Manager at Bilbul in the NSW Riverina where the smart sensing automation irrigation technology was trialled on 35 hectares of aerobic rice this past season.
This trial is part of the Smart Irrigation control for water and labour savings in rice growing systems project; a sub-project of SIP2. It is supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment as part of its Rural R&D for Profit Program and AgriFutures Australia, Deakin University and Padman Automation.
Participation in the trial was De Bortoli’s first step into irrigation automation. While the logistics worked well, consequential changes to the daily work schedule took some adjusting to.
“We’ve got auto winches running off the channel to supply water to the rice fields, and autosensing out in the fields to know the water heights and to trigger the next bays to open or close throughout the fields,” said Darrell.
“I actually feel redundant as an irrigator now. I take an afternoon drive-by to see if it is working every day and every day it seems to be working. I have to find an excuse to check the paddock now, as opposed to having to check every five to six hours with traditional irrigation systems.”
Darrell’s trial was conducted on an aerobic rice production system (also deceivingly referred to as “dry rice”) which yielded 1.1 tonnes of rice for every megalitre of water used. He estimated water usage was down 30 per cent compared to other fields irrigated in a traditional way during the c21 season.
“They are very preliminary results, being the first year of the trial, but we have got very strong incentives to keep working with John and to participate in future trials,” said Darrell.
“We have reduced the growing cost per tonne, using less water, and this gives us the ability to grow more rice with the allocation we are given. That in turn improves our business.”