Producers invited to join in world-first entrepreneurship development program


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AgriFutures Australia is excited to be hosting the next Farmers2Founders’ (F2F) workshop in Wagga Wagga, NSW connecting primary producers to global innovation and technology experts.

The free workshop on Tuesday, 23 July 2019 is part of a series of national workshops which link producers to trends in food, agriculture, and technology. It also connects them with examples and tools to solve real industry issues, capitalise on and commercialise new technologies, and bring novel, high-value products to market.

AgriFutures Australia Senior Manager, Business Development Jennifer Medway said the Wagga Wagga workshop will help producers receive entrepreneurial and technological skills via tools, resources and high-performance coaching and support.

“AgriFutures Australia has partnered with Farmers2Founders to link producers from its levied industry and the Riverina with professionals to develop these skills to benefit their respective industries.

“The workshops enable producers to participate directly in bringing new agtech, foodtech, and food ventures to market with a platform primed for global exposure,” said Ms Medway.

“With Agriculture predicted to become Australia’s next $100bn industry by 2030 we want to ensure producers, particularly AgriFutures Australia’s levied industries, play a key role.”

AgriFuturesTM Ignite Panel Advisory Member and entrepreneur Jessica Fealy said the workshops are vital in understanding emerging trends in agriculture.

“I think a lot of producers have lots of great ideas or even start building things in their sheds which can be of real value but they often stop because they don’t know where to go to next? The workshop will explore how to turn that idea or product into the next revenue stream for your business.”

In April, Jessica Fealy attended an F2F workshop in the Atherton Tablelands, Queensland which attracted more than fifty farmers and producers.

“Lots of people came from diverse backgrounds and it was a great opportunity to connect on so many issues,” Ms Fealy said. “The workshop examined everything from medicinal cannabis to connecting local farmers and foodies via an app and it was a great success for those who attended.”

Partner and CEO of AgThentic Sarah Nolet and CEO of Food Futures Company Dr Christine Pitt, established Farmers2Founders after they saw a gap between the agriculture and tech communities, and knew a unique project was needed to solve the problem.

According to Sarah Nolet, F2F’s aim is to elevate the role of producers to solve real problems.

“Producers have hard-won expertise, insights, context, and networks. We must unlock this potential and enable producers to catalyse more high value agrifood innovations.”

F2F is supported by AgriFutures Australia, Australia Wool Innovation, Grains Research and Development Corporation, Meat & Livestock Australia and Wine Australia.


Tuesday, 23 July 2019 – 10am to 3pm

Charles Sturt University (CSU)

Tooma Way Building 6 (Carpark 11)

Wagga Wagga, NSW.

Upcoming workshops:

  • Wagga Wagga NSW – 23 July
  • Kandanga QLD- 31 July
  • Horsham VIC – 5 August
  • Mingenew WA- 5 September
  • Moree NSW- 20 September

For more information on upcoming workshops visit

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