The AgriFutures Research Awards are a new initiative developed to recognise and reward researchers who have completed projects to an exceptional standard.


The inaugural AgriFutures Research Awards seek to acknowledge excellence in research and recognise the valuable contribution researchers make towards the advancement of Australian agriculture, particularly AgriFutures Australia’s levied industries and new, and emerging, industries.

The Awards will be presented in two categories:

  • Researcher of the Year
  • Student Researcher of the Year.

Each winner will receive two tickets to evokeAG East 2022 (Sydney), including a travel grant, where they will have an opportunity to connect and collaborate with mentors, farmers and investors from the agrifood innovation community.

The Researcher of the Year will have the opportunity to give a five-minute presentation of their research to an audience of investors, farmers, mentors and colleagues. Winners of both awards will also receive a $5,000 bursary for personal and professional development activities (referred to as capacity building activities for the purpose of this Award).

AgriFutures Australia is committed to investing in research that improves the sustainability and profitability of new and established rural industries. The AgriFutures Research Awards are one initiative that aim to recognise and reward the dedicated researchers who are contributing to the prosperity of rural industries by delivering research projects that well exceed expectations.



Who is eligible?

AgriFutures Research Awards are open to shortlisted researchers only. Invitations have been extended to shortlisted researchers who meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must have completed a research project between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2021. 
  • The project must have a direct link to the strategic plan objectives of the relevant AgriFutures program. 
  • The project must be considered research by the Program Manager. 
  • Student researchers must have had substantial input into the project and be directly involved in the delivery of the final results. 
  • The project must not have had any overdue milestones, requested resubmissions or unwarranted variations or variation requests. 
  • Applicants need to be over 18 years old. 
  • Applicants must not be a Related Party of AgriFutures Australia (i.e. not an employee of AgriFutures Australia, or a member of the key management personnel of major sponsors) or a member of the AgriFutures Australia Advisory Panels.  
  • All eligible researchers will be approved by the relevant AgriFutures Manager, Research.

Eligible researchers for the 2021 Research Awards have been notified via email.

About the Awards

There are two award categories: Researcher of the Year and Student Researcher of the Year.

Applications will be assessed by an AgriFutures Australia appointed assessment panel, based on the following selection criteria:

  • The benefit and impact of the research to industry
  • Originality and uniqueness
  • Connection and engagement with industry
  • Intended use of award funds
  • Contribution to the project (student applicants only)


Each Research Awards winner will receive two tickets* to evokeAG East 2022 (Sydney), where they will have an opportunity to connect and collaborate with mentors, farmers and investors from the agrifood innovation community.

The Researcher of the Year will also have the opportunity to give a five minute presentation of their research to an audience of farmers, investors, innovators, colleagues and government representatives. 

evokeAG East 2022 (Sydney), will be held at The Grounds of Alexandria in the heart of Sydney. Travel and accommodation costs for attendance at the event will be covered as part of the Award.

Three shortlisted Researcher of the Year nominees will also each receive two tickets to attend evokeAG East 2022 (Sydney).*

$5000 bursary

A $5000 bursary will be awarded to each of the Research Awards winners for capacity building activities, including attending a related conference or learning experience.

The bursary will be paid to the Award winner’s Organisation on the approval of an appropriate capacity building plan. The bursary cannot be used for buying capital equipment.

The Research Awards winners will be profiled by AgriFutures Australia across its channels. This may include its website, newsletters, and via social media.


*Attendance at events and associated travel grants are subject to COVID-19 restrictions.

If the holding of evokeAG East 2022 (Sydney) or travel is prevented or abandoned for reasons that are not within AgriFutures Australia’s reasonable control, AgriFutures Australia may suspend, postpone or cancel that part of the Award. In that circumstance AgriFutures Australia are not liable for any loss (including consequential loss) which the winner may suffer or incur as a result. AgriFutures Australia may elect, in its absolute discretion, to substitute an item of equal or higher value as determined by AgriFutures Australia.


Lexi Young

Coordinator, Research

0447 036 709