Adding Value to Extension Programs: A users guide to aligning extension programs with vocational education training (VET)

  • 47 pages

  • Published: 4 Jul 2007

  • Author(s): Roberts, Jeff Coutts Jim

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This report aims to explore the VET system in terms of its interaction and relevance with the rural extension system. It draws on the literature, practitioner experience and case studies to ‘demystify’ the VET approach and looks at the processes for accrediting training programs and/or aligning (mapping) informal training outcomes with VET endorsed competencies. It provides a step by step process for extension officers and managers in terms of accrediting or aligning their training offerings under the Australian National Training Framework. It also provides a step by step process for those who attend accredited training in terms of how they might gain the accreditation and build the credits into a formal qualification.