Agronomy and remote sensing to maximise rice water productivity

  • 42 pages

  • Published: 19 Dec 2024

  • Author(s): Brian Dunn, Tina Dunn

  • ISBN: 978-1-76053-542-1

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Rice farming contributes significantly to the regional economies of the Riverina region of New South Wales (NSW) and has a pivotal role in the agriculture sector in light of escalating costs and demands associated with irrigation water. The AgriFutures Rice Program is committed to supporting research that explores and develops strategies that promote efficient water use.

This report, prepared by New South Wales Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development researchers, presents the results of extensive work over three seasons across multiple rice-growing sites in the Riverina. By integrating data from satellite imagery and remote sensing with rice agronomy knowledge, the researchers ground-truthed agronomic practices, a foundational task in developing field technology applications that are fit for purpose. In doing so, they have empowered growers to manage their crops for maximal water productivity.

A core component of the project was using innovative methods to develop tools and packages for more efficient crop management. Understanding optimal nutrient uptake and application rates, and predicting key growth stages such as panicle initiation, flowering date and crop maturity, can help growers reduce their water use. Key achievements include the use of field observations and phenology data to develop remote sensing technologies to monitor crop growth, which was made possible through a collaboration with University of New England counterparts, and the development of comprehensive guidelines on optimal agronomic practices tailored to different rice varieties.

The agronomic findings from this work, combined with the digital tools and variety guides, provide rice growers with practical, accessible and scientifically backed information that can enhance their water use efficiency and crop yields. We are confident the insights and recommendations contained within this report will prove invaluable to all rice growers, advisors and extension officers. Whether you have years of experience or are new to the industry, adopting these practices will contribute to the long-term sustainability and profitability of rice growing in Australia.