Indian sandalwood pruning management to minimise fungal attack
This RIRDC report describes the potential impacts of pruning on the heartwood rot fungal diseases within Indian sandalwood (Santalum album) in Australia associated with pruning....
33 pages
Published: 12 Sep 2008
Author(s): Barbour, Liz, Dr
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The Forest Products Commission (FPC) and former entities of this Western Australian State agency, has been researching tree crops in the Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA) since 1987. This report is an analysis of one of the trials established in 1999 at the Frank Wise Institute. Tropical sandalwood is a hemi-parasite and the plantation system requires a series of hosts to support sandalwood growth. This trial is of current interest as the trial has progressed through the primary host stage and is now reliant upon the various secondary hosts for sustained growth of the Tropical Sandalwood. The need for additional hosts beyond the primary host, and the identification of a superior secondary host, has been regularly questioned and this trial provides an insight to the role and value of this long-term host.
This report is targeted at Tropical and Native sandalwood plantation growers as it provides information on the development and optimisation of sandalwood plantation systems. It also provides productivity information that can be used both by economists and investors alike.