AgriFutures Australia Annual Operational Plan 2024-2025
This AgriFutures Australia Annual Operational Plan presents the organisation’s planned research and development (R&D) investments and corporate expenditure in 2024-2024.
248 pages
Published: 22 Nov 2011
Author(s): RIRDC
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2010–11 has been, as ever, a year of challenges and opportunities for the rural sector and RIRDC. Extreme weather events posed significant threats to production and caused major losses for some areas. On the other hand good rain significantly aided dam levels and soil moisture in many key production areas. The benefits of returns of good harvests were somewhat offset by a high Australian dollar which disadvantaged exporters.
RIRDC also actively addresses the Government’s priorities while also addressing the future research and development objectives of our industry partners as detailed in the Review of Operations in this report. This document is RIRDC’s annual report to Government and industry stakeholders on the Corporation’s operations for 2010–11. It is aligned with RIRDC’s Corporate Plan 2007–2, the Annual Operational Plan 2010–1 and sector five-year R&D plans, as well as complying with mandatory and best practice reporting. The report contains:
– an operational report
– financial statements
– the Auditor-General’s report on the financial statements