Anti-inflammatory Efficacy of Emu Oil

  • 15 pages

  • Published: 1 Feb 2008

  • Author(s): Lunam, Christine A, Dr

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To maximise the market potential for emu oil, the Australian Emu Industry needs to overcome two problems. The first is to identify those factors that result in the different levels of its anti-inflammatory activity, thereby allowing the consistent production of oil with known anti-inflammatory efficacy. The second problem is to develop a sensitive in vitro assay to measure the anti-inflammatory activity of each batch of oil to grade its potential anti-inflammatory efficacy.

The inflammatory reaction involves the release of a range of inflammatory mediators (cytokines) from lymphocytes. It is hypothesised, that as an anti-inflammatory agent, emu oil will suppress the production of these cytokines from human lymphocytes. It is further hypothesised that the amount of suppression of the cytokine mediators of the inflammatory response from activated human T lymphocytes will directly correlate with the anti-inflammatory activity of individual oil samples. This report discusses the work undertaken to investigate these two hypotheses.