Rice Breeding Australia Annual results: September 2023 to August 2024
Rice Breeding Australia Ltd (RBA) has continued to rapidly evolve the previous rice breeding program, and July 2024 marks the end of a very successful...
20 pages
Published: 3 Nov 2017
Author(s): Laycock, Dr Bronwyn, Nikolic, Dr Melissa , Jewell, Anna
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This project has assessed the cost and benefits of a proposed new practice for producing aerobic rice using degradable film that offers the potential of sowing at an earlier stage (during cooler conditions) and reaching maturity during the ideal environment occurring in the first months of Autumn.
The project involved small-scale trials in the first year followed by larger scale trials conducted over the following two years.
The benefits also include water savings and a reduction in crop impacts by pests, particularly locusts, and weeds.