Bioenergy from Native Agroforestry: Planning for a Regional Industry in the NSW Central Tablelands

  • 88 pages

  • Published: 30 Aug 2012

  • Author(s): Baumber, A. , Rammelt, C. , Ampt, P., Merson, J.

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This Rural Industries R&D Corporation report presents the findings of a second phase of research undertaken to assess whether farm-based agroforestry has the potential to generate the critical volume of biomass needed for a regional bioenergy industry in the Central Tablelands of New South Wales.
The first phase clarified the attitudes of different types of landholders towards the required changes in land use (Merson et al. 2011). The second phase focused on the planning of a regional industry for bioenergy from native agroforestry, particularly on supply, demand and policy implications.
These insights will help inform government, industry groups and rural communities about the business models, incentives and regulatory frameworks that will encourage the investment in agroforestry and bioenergy systems.