China: Crocodile Meat Market Research

  • 22 pages

  • Published: 16 Feb 2011

  • Author(s): Deng, Mrs Crystal, Chan, Chiu-Hing , Ren Deng, Ms Zhi , Hua Li, Mrs Jia

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The Australian Chinese General Chamber of Business in partnership with the Australian crocodile industry, primarily located in Queensland and the Northern Territory, are working towards the establishment of a protocol agreement between Australia and China over the export sale of Australian crocodile meat.
This RIRDC report investigates China’s market supply breakdown of crocodile meat from both domestic and imported sources. This is followed by an analysis of imported meat from individual exporting countries and how Chinese consumers view imported meat. The report focuses primarily on China’s largest crocodile market, that which is located in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, in southern China.