Australian Chicken Meat Industry Sustainability Framework
Message from the Australian Chicken Meat Federation Chief Executive Officer, Mary Wu The industry is proud to deliver the inaugural Australian Chicken Meat Industry Sustainability...
33 pages
Published: 1 Dec 2004
Author(s): Perez-Maldonado, Rider A., Dr
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The research described in this report was aimed at determining lysine availability values in canola meal (CM) and cottonseed meal (CSM) samples form major processors in Australia. The amino acid, lysine, was chosen for this initial investigation because of its known susceptibility to heat damage during processing of CM and CSM. Therefore, this study attempts to identify the extent to which the utilisation of the critical amino acid lysine is impaired in current CM and CSM from major Australian processors, some of which use more heat than others. Different oil extraction methods are also used. 2004, 33pgs, Pub NO. 04/144; $16