Developing North Queensland native Foliage Species for the Flower Industry

  • 71 pages

  • Published: 1 Feb 2005

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The aim of this project is to assist industry to further develop and commercialise five north Queensland native foliage species. Previous RIRDC funded research resulted in the identification of five native foliage species for further development and commercialisation, based on their ability to grow vigorously in a range of climates on the Cairns Highlands, positive market assessments carried out during the project and their long post harvest life. This publication reports the results of a number of different project activities that have been undertaken. These activities include: field trials, market research, post harvest experiments, and grower education and training. The results of these activities will assist industry to achieve commercialisation of the above-mentioned species. 2005, 71pp, Pub No 05/010; $26