Indian sandalwood pruning management to minimise fungal attack
This RIRDC report describes the potential impacts of pruning on the heartwood rot fungal diseases within Indian sandalwood (Santalum album) in Australia associated with pruning....
53 pages
Published: 29 Sep 2011
Author(s): Laurence, Rowland
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This RIRDC report describes research to investigate the economic viability of artemisinin production in Australia. Artemisinin is an anti-malarial compound present in the leaves of the herb Artemisia annua, a plant native to China but now grown commercially in South-east Asia and Central Africa. The research concentrates on production methods suited to the mechanised production systems used in Australian agriculture rather than the more labour-intensive production systems found in areas of current commercial production.
This research is important from the viewpoint of diversifying and stabilising the global supply of artemisinin, which is recognised as the major weapon against malaria, now resurgent in the world due to its resistance to traditional treatments, a warming climate and increased international travel.
This report is directed towards participants in plant extracts industries in Australia. This research will be of interest to growers interested in growing new plant extract crops and associated manufacturers of those plant extracts.