Development of Novel Eucalypt Hybrids

  • 74 pages

  • Published: 5 Feb 2008

  • Author(s): Delaporte, Kate, Dr, Sedgley, Margaret, Professor

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This report outlines recent developments in varietal selection and clonal propagation of ornamental eucalypt varieties for the Australian Wildflowers Industry and the Australian Nursery & Garden Industry.

Information contained in this report will be of direct benefit to investors and propagators.

This report, and associated project, is a continuation of the research reported in RIRDC Publication no 04/163. Research over ten years has lead to the generation of many hundreds of novel, new eucalypt hybrids. These hybrids have potential for the Australian Floriculture Industry and the Australian Nursery & Garden Industry, as cut stems and garden plants, respectively. Investigations into breeding, selection, production and post harvest requirements were completed prior to this project. This project concentrated on taking the selected varieties to commercialisation.