Effectiveness of Reactive Phosphate Rock for P Fertility Management in Broad-Acre Organic Cropping

  • 78 pages

  • Published: 15 Dec 2010

  • Author(s): Evans, Jeffrey

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Phosphorus (P) is an essential plant nutrient but its availability in soils that have been managed using organic broad-acre farming practices is often critically low. The sustainability of organic cereal and livestock production and the future growth of these industries are therefore precarious unless an effective method can be found to maintain soil P fertility in a way that is compatible with organic farming. This RIRDC report examines the role of elemental sulphur in improving the effectiveness of reactive phosphate rock as a basis for improving the management of P fertility on broad-acre organic farms.
The study should be considered by broad-acre organic farmers, suppliers of fertiliser to the organic industry, researchers and extension agronomists with an interest in nutrient management in organic farming systems and horticulture.