AgriFutures Australia Annual Operational Plan 2024-2025
This AgriFutures Australia Annual Operational Plan presents the organisation’s planned research and development (R&D) investments and corporate expenditure in 2024-2024.
151 pages
Published: 1 Aug 2000
Author(s): Gordon, Jenny, Dr, Berkelmans, Mr Leon
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The Prospective New Industry Program provides research and development opportunities for products
that are either novel to Australian producers or yet to be widely developed as commercial products in
Australia or abroad. The objective of research in this portfolio is to promote the development of viable
new rural industries.
This report provides a brief history of all projects that have been completed or are currently underway
in the New Animal and New Plant programs. As far as possible, inputs and outputs of each projects
have been identified and the projects classified according to their area of impact as well as the activities
undertaken. The projects are presented as projects sets, relating projects by contribution to common
outcomes. In some cases there is a clear progression of projects as feasibility studies led to industry and
R&D planning, which set directions for the following research projects.