Export-Led Growth: Lessons from Australia’s Wine Industry

  • 54 pages

  • Published: 1 May 2000

  • Author(s): Anderson, Kym

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The purpose of the present report is to draw out the lessons that can be learnt from the wine industry
and reflect on their relevance to other small rural industries. It begins by summarizing briefly the 150-
year long history of Australia’s wine industry, so as to put its boom of the 1990s in historical
perspective. It then explores the industry’s emergence from its dire position in the late 1980s with an
analysis of the anatomy of its recent success, using an economic model to quantify the relative
importance of the main factors contributing to the growth in output and exports. Australia is then
compared with other significant countries in the global wine market to provide an international
perspective on the expansion of the past decade. Some speculation is then provided on the potential
sustainability of the industry’s recent growth: are Australian grape and wine producers likely to
experience another ‘bust’ soon? The final chapter of the report draws out lessons for other small rural
industries in Australia. In particular, it explores the extent to which the olive industry might emulate the
wine industry’s success.