Australian Chicken Meat Industry Sustainability Framework
Message from the Australian Chicken Meat Federation Chief Executive Officer, Mary Wu The industry is proud to deliver the inaugural Australian Chicken Meat Industry Sustainability...
Published: 6 Aug 2020
Author(s): Rodney J Jenner
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DownloadDisposal of infected material is a core component of the process of eradication and recovery from an emergency animal disease (EAD). Prior planning will make for a much more structured and efficient decision-making process in the event of an EAD.
The tools developed from this project will provide farmers with the means to self-assess their property and develop a report that outlines options available to dispose of large volume mass mortalities on or off their property. This preparedness report will also be useful for decision makers to assess disposal options for an EAD, thus increasing the efficiency of the response.
This report has been written for the chicken meat and egg industries in Australia, but also has relevance for other poultry industries, such as ducks and turkeys.