Grafting Eriostemon australasius

  • 77 pages

  • Published: 1 May 2003

  • Author(s): Lidbetter, Jonathan, et al

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This project had three major aims. Firstly to identify a range of new, superior clones from natural
populations to expand the forms available and extend the season at any one location. Secondly, to
develop a means for rapidly bringing these new field selections into cultivation using grafting so that
new material could be then propagated and brought into commercial production on growers
properties. The third aim was to evaluate possible scion/ rootstock combinations that may allow
cultivation of this species over a much wider range of soil types and climatic situations to
significantly expand the production season and potential growing zone.
This publication reports on the introduction of a suite of new selections into cultivation and progress
with their propagation. Grafting is the predominant method of propagation discussed, but this report
also covers trials involving seed germination, cuttings and tissue culture. Through the development
of these techniques the rapid introduction of new varieties into cultivation has been achieved and
varieties are in the process of being multiplied for distribution to growers involved in the project.
Unfortunately, to date no long term intergeneric scion/ rootstock combination has been found.