Growing Flannel Flowers all Year Round

  • 59 pages

  • Published: 27 May 2010

  • Author(s): Worrall, Ross, Dr, Tesoriero, Len

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There is a well-established domestic and export market for cut flannel flowers (Actinotus helianthi) with out-of-season flowers command a significant premium. Demand already exceeds supply, which will be exacerbated in the future with proposed actions to severely reduce bush picking.
To date, Actinotus sp. has proven unreliable in cultivation as it is difficult to propagate and has a short flowering season limited to spring and early summer. In response, the Flannel Flower Forum has identified the major constraints limiting cultivation – in particular the lack of suitable varieties, cultural information, propagation and the effect of root diseases. Overcoming these production constraints will provide business and employment opportunities for regional Australia.