Herbicide Control Options for Setaria in Lucerne

  • 76 pages

  • Published: 30 May 2012

  • Author(s): Oster, Shane

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This RIRDC report is a one year study into the control of Setaria verticillata, commonly known as ‘Whorled Pigeon Grass’ or ‘Love Grass’ in lucerne seed crops, using pre-emergent herbicides, post-emergent herbicides and a combination of both.
This weed is causing a threat to the export of lucerne seed to the USA. In the USA there is a zero tolerance of Setaria in imported products. In recent years many shipments of Australian lucerne seed have been rejected once they have reached American shores due to contamination from Setaria.
This report will allow growers to know what the best treatments are, will give advisors and agronomists actual efficacy data to work by for chemical selection and will allow marketers to have a better understanding on what growers can do to avoid the problems that Setaria contamination causes in seed lines.