Increasing Efficiency of Lean Tissue Deposition in Broiler Chickens

  • 30 pages

  • Published: 1 Nov 1998

  • Author(s): Choct, Mingan, et al

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Genetic selection of broilers for growth over the last 30 years has resulted in an average weight gain increase of 40 grams per year. Associated with this are an increase in fatness and a loss of reproductive ability – both obviously undesirable both economically and socially.
This project, by University of New England researchers, outlines two experiments, which were conducted to examine the effects of dietary manipulations on lean growth in broilers. One experiment examined graded levels of dietary organic chromium and leucine on performance and body composition, while the other experiment examined the influence of four different fat sources (linseed oil, lard, fish oil and safflower oil) at two dietary levels on lean growth in broilers.