Medicinal Herbs – A preliminary evaluation of Astragalus, Bilberry, Feverfew and Stevia

  • 100 pages

  • Published: 15 Jun 2006

  • Author(s): Rowl, Laurence

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The increasing profile of traditional medical treatments in recent years has increased the demand for the quantity and the quality of medicinal herbal products, through both improved purity and reliability with regard to the dosage rates of the active ingredients contained. Pharmacological studies and clinical trials continue to find scientific support for the traditional claims made for herbal remedies and this improvement in the understanding of their effects has led to increasing sophistication and segmentation in their markets. Indeed, the delineation of the markets for herbal remedies and conventional pharmaceuticals has become increasingly blurred, with manufacturers of the latter taking a larger stake in the future of developments in herbal remedies. This report reflects the introduction and preliminary observations on four such plant species, believed to have potential for the production of herbal extracts in Australia.