National Animal Welfare Standard for the Chicken Meat Industry – Guidance material

  • 30 pages

  • Published: 14 Apr 2022

  • ISBN: 978-1-76053-206-2

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This document has been developed to provide guidance on the implementation of the National Animal Welfare Standard for the Chicken Meat Industry (‘the Standard’). The requirements are almost always outcome-based and not prescriptive. The methods by which an organization demonstrates its conformity to the requirements is therefore flexible and determined by the organization themselves.

Column 1 contains the requirement (from NAWS1001). Column 2 provides examples of the evidence that can be used to demonstrate that the outcome is achieved and the requirement is fulfilled. These are examples only, and in themselves are not requirements. What is important is that the organization demonstrates the fulfilment of the outcome-based requirements in the Standard in some way. Column 3 provides a further explanation and the intent of the requirement, and guides the organization in identifying appropriate evidence. Additional numbered references [Refs] that contain useful supporting and background information (listed in full in the bibliography) are provided in Column 4.

The Standard refers to ‘the organization’ throughout. Organization is defined as ‘A person, cooperative, association or company that undertakes chicken meat production and processing activities.’ This means that the Standard can be used by processors, producers, individual farmers, hatcheries etc. Within the guidance, there is information on the scope of the Standard as it applies to different parts of the supply chain.