Australian Chicken Meat Industry Sustainability Framework
Message from the Australian Chicken Meat Federation Chief Executive Officer, Mary Wu The industry is proud to deliver the inaugural Australian Chicken Meat Industry Sustainability...
39 pages
Published: 21 Sep 2009
Author(s): Singh, D N, Nagle, T A D, Trappett, P C
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Increase in feed prices and the real prospect of declining availability of grains for livestock in the future has stimulated research into finding alternative feed sources.
This RIRDC report evaluates pearl millet as a feed ingredient for broilers. It demonstrates the value of pearl millet grain in chicken meat production and establishes the optimum economic inclusion levels in diets of meat chickens as well as the effect of pearl millet on carcass yield. It also identifies pearl millet as a suitable, alternative, efficient and cost-effective feed source for the Australian meat chicken industry at a time when world feed demand is predicted to exceed supply in the near future.