Community Trust in Rural Industries: Year 5 National Survey 2024
The Community Trust in Rural Industries (CTRI) program has reached its fifth year, continuing its mission to provide valuable insights into the relationship between Australia’s...
30 pages
Published: 18 Jan 2007
Author(s): Burnett, Viv, Madge, David
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Previous organic research and development projects have used the workshop format to deliver information to producers. This format has proved popular with producers and it is widely recognised that for many individuals, learning is often enhanced through delivery of information in a group environment, and through producers observing and participating in on-farm situations. However, previous projects have also shown that conversion to organic production is a long and complex process for the majority of producers, and that learning about organic production systems is an on-going process. This project aimed to deliver four workshops in regional Victoria to provide information to assist producers in their farming enterprise and to increase organic certification. The project also aimed to publish the workshop information both in print and via web-sites, and to evaluate participants to assess practice change on farm.