Production of Peppermint oil – a model of best practice for TAS and VIC

  • 117 pages

  • Published: 1 Aug 2000

  • Author(s): Clark, R.J., Professor, Read, Chris, Dr

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In July 1996, the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation hosted a workshop for participants in the Tasmanian and Victorian peppermint and spearmint oil industries, in Melbourne. The group reviewed market opportunities for peppermint and spearmint oil, and concluded that there was substantial scope for increased production at present prices, stating that production targets of 100 and 15 tonnes of oil from each of Victoria and Tasmania were achievable.

A key conclusion of that meeting was that there was an urgent need for development of ‘useful models for the performance of peppermint under commercial conditions. This would provide a powerful tool for growers to determine management processes and predict outcomes because much is presently based on anecdotal evidence.