Rice Breeding Australia Annual results: September 2023 to August 2024
Rice Breeding Australia Ltd (RBA) has continued to rapidly evolve the previous rice breeding program, and July 2024 marks the end of a very successful...
4 pages
Published: 30 Nov 2021
Author(s): Ainsley Massina
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DownloadThe Australian rice industry continues to work towards growing its people and their ability to move the industry forward. Leaders in the rice industry are also seen as leaders within their communities, which is something they are very proud of. It is through programs like the Rice Industry Leadership Program that these leaders will continue to influence the rice industry and their local communities.
This program was a joint initiative between the Ricegrowers’ Association (RGA), AgriFutures Australia, the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE), and other key rice industry entities. The total funding for this program was $662,760. Of this amount, the Ricegrowers’ Association (RGA) contributed $124,800 through direct and in-kind contributions. AgriFutures Australia provided direct support of $90,000, and the RGA sourced an additional $110,000 from sponsorship from other rice industry entities. The remaining balance of $367,960 was sourced from the DAWE Leadership in Agricultural Industries Fund 2017.
Despite challenges associated with drought and COVID-19, the Rice Industry Leadership Program has provided significant benefits to current and future industry leaders. AgriFutures Australia is committed to investing in leaders and building capacity in the rice industry, to ensure the future of the industry is in good hands.