Rice Improvement II: Developing new varieties for the Australian rice industry

  • 58 pages

  • Published: 19 May 2009

  • Author(s): Reinke, R.F., Snell, P.J.

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The principal outcome from this RIRDC project was the development and release of a new rice variety, Reiziq, specifically tailored for the middle-eastern market.

The role of the rice improvement program is to respond to industry needs for improved high-yielding varieties, which are increasingly efficient in their use of water, have specific grain quality required for markets world-wide, and are environmentally and economically sustainable. Another important objective has been the provision of genetically pure seed of all existing and new varieties to the industry annually.

The benefits from this ongoing research flow to the farmers, the regional communities in the rice production area and the Australian economy through the generation of more than $500 million in value-added exports annually.