Rice Quality IV

  • 26 pages

  • Published: 22 Jul 2008

  • Author(s): Ward, Rachelle, Oliver, John

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The Australian rice industry is dependent on the 4 000 rice growers in the Murrumbidgee and Murray Irrigation Areas. In turn, the growers are dependent on the continual improvement of new varieties that excel in agronomic advantages and qualities for markets targeted by SunRice. The Quality Evaluation Program is conducted as part of Rice Quality IV, and has contributed to the development of several cultivars that are in the final stages of release. To ensure Quality Evaluation Program delivers contemporary knowledge on grain quality, it is vital that adjunct research is conducted to keep the program efficient is necessary. Research in Rice Quality IV was conducted both locally and in collaborations with the International Rice Research Institute.
The Final Report for Rice Quality IV highlights the achievements made throughout the lifetime of the project. The knowledge and advances made during the project have been well documented, and this report summarises these findings.