Scholtzia Involucrata: Selection and development of clones for commercial production

  • 26 pages

  • Published: 1 Jul 2004

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Several varieties of Scholtzia have been used in the production of cut flowers or foliage, and rank in the top ten of Australian flower exports. Scholtzia involucrate, with considerable variation in plant form, inflorescence size and flower colour, has a flowering period from early November through until February in its natural habitat north and south of Perth. This makes the variety ideally suited to the niche markets at the end of December and early February. This project identifies improved clones of Scholtzia involucrata to be made these available to the floriculture industry in Australia. Cultivation of selected clones will improve supply continuity and quality as well as reduce the pressure on the natural stands. 2004; 26pp, Pub No 04/056: $21