Community Trust in Rural Industries: Year 5 National Survey 2024
The Community Trust in Rural Industries (CTRI) program has reached its fifth year, continuing its mission to provide valuable insights into the relationship between Australia’s...
59 pages
Published: 1 Apr 2001
Author(s): Glen Thompson Global Linkages Pty Ltd
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The Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation commissioned this report, which arose from a four-day executive development program held in Singapore in late 1999, sponsored by RIRDC. The program incorporated views and case studies from a number of the world’s leading authorities on supply chain management. This report analyses and draws conclusions from the information presented.
It deals with the changing face of the food and agriculture business and the implications for each part of the supply chain. It also provides a thorough understanding of international perspectives in supply chain management, including retail and manufacturing trends, quality management, new technologies, brand building and strategy development.
This publication considers some of the fundamental changes occurring to our traditional relationships between retailer, manufacturer, distributor and farmer.