Australian Chicken Meat Industry Sustainability Framework
Message from the Australian Chicken Meat Federation Chief Executive Officer, Mary Wu The industry is proud to deliver the inaugural Australian Chicken Meat Industry Sustainability...
60 pages
Published: 14 Nov 2014
Author(s): Davies, Chris, Maddocks, Andrew, Gaschignard, Julien
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The Australian Chicken Meat industry has continually reviewed opportunities to improve production efficiency and reduce production costs. Energy consumption comprises a significant percentage of onfarm costs and these costs have increased substantially over the past seven years due to a number of factors, primarily in the electricity sector. As a primary cost of production this has a significant impact on the profitability of farms. This report presents the results of two case studies which investigated the viability of reducing operational costs at two meat chicken farms through the installation of rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
These business case assessments were a precursor to, and were intended to inform, the development of some industry-specific guidelines and a tool to assist growers to assess whether a solar PV installation might be viable on their own farm (also available in the supplementary files). The guidelines that were developed are reported separately (available in the supplementary files or at as is the RIRDC Solar PV assessment tool for chicken farmers (also available in the supplementary files).