Anti-cancer properties of Asian crucifers
OLD ABN-The State Of Queensland Acting Through The Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Project code: PRJ-000588
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Saturday, May 31, 2003
Project completion date: Thursday, November 30, 2006
National Priority: NEPI-Feasibility studies and industry literature reviews
New and Emerging Plant Industries
Research Organisation
OLD ABN-The State Of Queensland Acting Through The Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Objective Summary
Identification of key crucifer species which could form the basis of industry sales on health rather than culinary issues similar to broccoli sprouts in the USA. Identification and quantification of demonstrated anti-cancer glucosinolates in Asian crucifers. Provision of advice or recommendations on a pathway for addressing the regulatory issues relating to anti-cancer claims. The research has an aim to promote the consumption of Asian vegetables by broadening the consumer base through sales to people who would not have purchased Asian vegetables on a culinary basis (ie. flavour). A second and underlying issue is to identify products that will reduce the incidence of internal cancers in the Australian community.