Core Funded Plant Industries RD&E Plan 2015-2018

AgEconPlus Pty Ltd

  • Project code: PRJ-009205

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, May 30, 2014

  • Project completion date: Sunday, May 31, 2015

  • National Priority: NEPI-RD&E to generate benefit across several plant industries


The Core Funded Plant Industries Program plan
• Will explain the complexity and large number of plant industries RIRDC is currently working with
• The need to justify investment based on return to the Australian taxpayer
• How RIRDC is in the process of completing business cases to establish investment priorities
• The current plan is a transitional document that ‘carries over’ current plant sub-programs
• In the future sub-programs will cease to exist and funding will be determined on prospectivity (e.g. feasibility study / business case results) and industry maturity (levy or similar).

Plan objectives will include:
1. Feasibility studies / business cases
2. Blockages, Barriers and Breakthroughs
3. Industry building
4.Cross industry benefit

Outputs from the project are:
1. Consultation results for sub program industries with lapsed plans i.e. Wildflowers and Fodder Crops
2. Two page Sub-program summaries for 5 plant industries (Essential Oils, Tea Tree, Wildflowers, Native Foods, and Fodder Crops)
3. A stand alone business case for investment in Essential Oils and Plant Extracts (GHD template)
4. A draft Core Funded Plant Industries RD&E Plan 2015-2018
5. A final Core Funded Plant Industries RD&E Plan 2015-2018


New and Emerging Plant Industries

Research Organisation

AgEconPlus Pty Ltd

Objective Summary

1. To prepare a transitional Three Year RD&E Plan for plant industries supported with RIRDC ‘core’ funds
2. The plan will align with the draft Animal Industries 5 Year RD&E Plan 2013-18 prepared by Miracle Dog
3. The plan will detail the responsibilities of industry and what RIRDC will and will not fund