Duncan Heazlewood – Hugh Roberts Pasture Seeds R&D Travel Award 2008-09
Heazlewood Seeds Pty Ltd
Project code: PRJ-004243
Project stage: Closed
Project start date: Friday, October 31, 2008
Project completion date: Friday, August 28, 2009
National Priority: PSE-Supporting production systems and agronomic advancements
During the study tour of major US and European pasture seed production regions a number of visits will be undertaken:
Visits to seed producers will be used to investigate the latest seed prduction systems as well as production and harvesting techniques and to see how leading producers in other parts of the world are sustainably increasing seed yields and water use efficiency while adapting to increased climate variability.
Visits to Seed Production Companies, such as RAGT Seeds in France, will give insights into new and emerging pasture seed varieties and products (such as endophytes and seed coating products) as well as current research and development prioroties.
A range of both small and large seed processors will be visited. The aim is to evaluate different processing systems and technologies that may help to improve the ease, efficiency and cost effectiveness of seed cleaning and drying in Australia.
A number of European Seed Processing Equipment Manufacturers will be consulted during the trip. These will include industry leaders such as Petkus (Germany), Cimbria and Westrup (Denmark). A study of the various processing technology available will be made with a particular emphasis on seed coating equipment.
Pasture Seeds
Research Organisation
Heazlewood Seeds Pty Ltd
Objective Summary
The aim of the trip is to undertake a study tour of major US and European pasture seed production regions.