Evaluation of cooperative models under a carbon market as a method of increased engagement and uptake by producers, including exploring new or augmented approaches.

Southern Queensland Natural Resources Management trading as Southern Queensland Landscapes

  • Project code: PRO-013298

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, May 28, 2021

  • Project completion date: Tuesday, August 30, 2022

  • National Priority: TIA - Carbon


Whilst there is increasing research on the topic of carbon farming, the co-benefits of carbon farming practices have not been well explained to the majority of farmers as well as the socio-economic, cultural and psychological factors influencing decision-making about carbon farming being largely been overlooked.  Furthermore, the majority of published research to date has been undertaken from a scientist’s perspective, not from the farmer’s perspective, with little or no stakeholder involvement.  Current research has focused on carbon practices at a national and regional level, but not at a local level to which individual farmers would likely relate.  To better understand these factors, this proposal has a deliberate focus on understanding the needs and concerns of individual farmers within the area of Southern Queensland, and incorporating them into a commercial model for Regional Councils to become involved as market aggregators. Our aim is the development of activities designed to present carbon farming practices as attractive to individual farmers. Southern Queensland is an excellent location for this project as, according to Baumber, Metternicht et al. (2019)the most widespread carbon farming employed under the ERF to date is human-induced regeneration, often referred to as assisted natural regeneration outside of Australia. This involves facilitating the natural regrowth of trees and shrubs through grazing management and other practices, and is concentrated in the rangelands of northwest New South Wales and southwest Queensland


Transformative Industry Action

Research Organisation

Southern Queensland Natural Resources Management trading as Southern Queensland Landscapes