Horizon scan for new market opportunities in emerging industries

Centre for International Economics

  • Project code: PRO-015972

  • Project stage: Closed

  • Project start date: Friday, April 8, 2022

  • Project completion date: Sunday, October 2, 2022

  • National Priority: NEI - New and Emerging Industries - SM1


This project will conduct a market analysis of emerging agricultural-related food, fodder, fibre, and fertiliser products in general and eight industries in particular including the industrial hemp, insects (as food, fodder or fertiliser), native bees, native foods, pomegranate, seaweed, sesame and truffles.

It will establish the current situation and future trends, identify the current position and future opportunities for Australian industries, taking consideration of demographic and economic growth, industrial linkage, scientific, technical and productivity improvement, consumer preference change, resource constraints, and any policy developments.

Three scenarios will be developed for the market projections for the eight industries to reflect the uncertainties into the future. The projections will be over a period of 10 years with annual data being produced and 5-interval results being reported in the report. 


New and Emerging Industries

Research Organisation

Centre for International Economics

Objective Summary

The objective of the project is to provide Australia’s emerging industries with a greater understanding of the current and future opportunities for their industry.
The project will identify the current and long-term (10 year horizon) consumer and market trends that could impact the demand for agriculture-related food, fodder, fibre and fertiliser products, particularly those that are considered new or emerging trends or are identified as opportunities for emerging industries; and provide detailed market analysis including current and projections eight industries: industrial hemp, insects (as food, fodder or fertiliser), native bees, native foods, pomegranate, seaweed, sesame and truffles.